Sunday, May 17, 2009

Neopolitan Cupcakes

I love getting to surprise people, and so when K told me she liked the basics (vanilla, chocolate & strawberry), I came up with this perfect combination of the three for her birthday party.

Just like the traditional neopolitan ice cream, these cupcakes are layered with chocolate vanilla and strawberry cake and topped with little bursts of frosting in the same flavors.

Simple, classic and delicious.

($2.25/cupcake; minimum order one dozen)


kcfrick photography said...

These cupcakes were FANTASTIC! I love how you incorporated all 3 flavors. You are 'da bomb. haha

Dana said...

Those are smart! Love them!

ashley-cita said...

Dear lord, these look just delicious.

PS-- I left an award for you on my blog, if you'd like to come get it.

Jodi & Jeremy said...

That looks yummy!